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Stop the Press

It’s approaching midnight on Fleet Street and the editor of an infamous newspaper has called an emergency meeting with his team of journalists. Sales of the newspaper are down and the once-loyal readers are spending more time browsing the internet than catching up on the news. Refusing to accept this fate, the editor is turning to you to turn the sales of the newspaper around and bring the readers the latest news and exclusive articles that they are longing for. With the print deadline looming, the challenge is on to complete the newspaper. Can the deadline be met or will your chances of making it as the next big media tycoon be overshadowed by a more worthy team of journalists?


Working as a team, you will need to complete a set of award-winning stories, photographs, cartoons and horoscopes and present this to the scrutinising team of editors before time runs out. Armed with a digital camera and a selection of props and costumes you can let your imagination run wild as you strive to create the most imaginative and colourful headlines and stories. This is a fast paced, colourful and hilarious activity that can be fully customised to your company’s products, services and current affairs to produce a memorable and impactful team event.

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